Thursday, May 11, 2006

More Random photo's in England!

G'day! This is a statue dedicated to Sherlock Holmes. Thought it was cool :-)

Ahh.. 1 of the many signs I want to take a photo of to be able to make a huge Monopoly Table haha...(though I'm probably going to get bored with the idea and stop taking photos! lol..)

Double decker buses - how very 'English' - I particularly liked the fact that I found one with a poster of 2 sexy ladys fighting hehe...

Big Ben:

A view from the 'London Eye', the world's highest observation wheel. You stand inside 1 of about 60 capsules with 15 other people, and get slowly rotated around over a 30min period. It's owned by British Airways, and was supposed to be erect only for the Milenium, but proved to be so popular they kept it up!

This is Cleopatra's Needle, one of two oblisk's taken from Egypt. I think the other one is in America somewhere?

This sphynx upheld bombings from enemy German planes in WW2. There are small fractures on it from the blasts! (Got pretty excited with these Egyptian photo's! Can't wait to be in Egypt - hopefully by Feb 2007).

Ok, now this is where I work: The Little Angel, in Henley-on-Thames.

A shot of the river Thames. It's such a nice area. This is what I walk along as I'm heading to work.

Stumbled across this while I was looking for a place to live in Henley - George Harrison's House, still lived in by his wife and son. Not a bad little shack for a Bug hey? :-)

My room! I'd just really moved in so still have crap everywhere :-) The view you can see is pretty much all the room in there that I have. (This is what I'm paying 65pounds per week for!) Good thing I get run of the house though!

My place - a view from the front:

And thus ends my photos for now! I have PLENTY more, but might get some new ones up that are more exciting! Will take photos on my Jack the Ripper tour when I do that!!



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