Saturday, June 03, 2006

London Trip!

Hey Ppl! I took another little journey into London recently, had a good walk around and discovered heaps of cool and funny things on my travels! I didn't want to take the tube too much cause you just miss so much of the sights! Anyway, here's a few things I did.......

Here are some photos from my exploration of Hyde Park - it's HUGE!! Ran out of time and had to come back the next day to see the rest of the place!

LOOK!! A REAL LIVE SQUIRRAL!! This little guy came right up to my toes! Then buggered off again when he found I had no food for him! I came across about 10 during my exploration that all did the same thing! I thought Squirral's were only in America - oh, so young and naive!

Remember that delightful children's story by James Barry - Peter Pan? This little statue is dedicated to him, in Kensington Gardens.

Marble Arch. From 1192 to 1759, Marble Arch was used as the place for public hangings!

This Tree looked really cool - it was basically falling over on itself!

Couple of Snaps of 'Changing of the Guards' - SOOO many people around! Police made it difficult to get a good shot of the ceremony sorry!

Caught up with these 2 beautiful sisters Alison and Jessica!! (Lucky me in the middle!) I used to work with them both back in Tasmania's own Mcdonalds! Some strange guy that spoke no english took this photo!

This is quite an artistic statue I came across while walking through Picadilly Circus, it's supossed to be the Virgin Mother. She had spooky eyes too!

Hahaha...Got really hungry on my walk through the big city, and came across this McDonalds in Leceister Square. Had to take a photo of recognition for it because they gave me the best service in all the ones I've been to over here so far! haha.. No really, the majority of them have been so rude!! This one was good, and the hallway with hand basins for after using the toilet had a camera, so people in the restaurant could watch people washing their hands! lol... quite funny :-)

The British Museum!!! I love how all these buildings look all 'Roman' :-)

Ahhhhh....EGYPT!! I count down the days of going there!!!

Horus the sun god. This is the one I have tattooed on my shoulder. Bit of History: You've heard of the 'Eye of Horus' right? Well, Horus's uncle Seth killed his brother Osiris (Horus's father), to claim the throne. Horus sought to avenge his father by killing Seth, which he did in his second battle with him, however during the first battle, Seth ripped out one of Horus's eyes and had the pieces spread and burried all over Egypt. Horus's mother Isis found the pieces except one, which she replaced with a part of her magical self, forming the magical 'Eye of Horus'!

The Rosetta Stone! Sorry, because it was inside glass, I couldn't get a proper shot of it without the glare - plus the swarm of people around it made it hard too!! The Rosetta Stone is what first enabled Egyptologists to decipher heiroglyphs! (It has a few languages enscribed in the stone which helped them). I can't believe it's not in the Egyptian Museum! Bloody British! Hehe...just kidding ;-) Actually, The Rosetta Stone (among many other Egyptian Artifacts), was seized from Napolean from when the French had invaded Egypt 1798-1801!

The Sphinx! - Head of a woman, body of a lion, and with wings of a bird. Bit of History: The Sphinx used to stand guard on a rock in Thebes, arresting passing travellers and giving them a riddle, then killing them if they couldn't work it out! The riddle: "What animal is that which in the morning goes on four feet, at noon on two, and in the evening upon three?" Can YOU work it out??? ;-)

Now we're in the Greek Section: The 3 Nereids; sea nymphs, daughters of the sea god Nereus, thought to have escorted the souls of the deceased on their journey to the afterlife :-)


This is a helmet from a Japanese Samurai! The surrounding glass gives it a 'see-through' spookie effect!

This photo had to be taken in 3 shots - it's written in Arabic by a famous Persian writer named Mansur Al-Hallaj. It says: 'O, you who are the whole of my entire being, be with me; for if you are not with me, then who can be?' It would look good on a ring I thought :-)

Hmmmmmmm..... This piece (slightly blocked out by my head - sorry!) is called 'Heech' which is the Persian word for 'nothing'! haha.. There are a lot of art statues like that there! You also have a bit of a view of the great court hall behind me :-) this a morbid shot? Enlarging the photo will let you read the little info paper behind 'skinny' here! He's as old as Stonehenge - 2330 BC!

Hope you enjoyed my little outing!



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