Friday, March 23, 2007

Little Angels belated Xmas Party

Hi ppls! Its been a while since I updated my blog - appoligies! Anyways, here's some little pics taken from our drunken escapades during my work staff party!


We ate lunch at a nice place in Reading, after a few drinks, this is what we all started looking like! haha... Thanks for being a good sport Chris!

James: "Heath, if you put this photo on the net, I'm going to rip your b@llz off and shuv them so far down your throat, etc etc.."

hehe.. what are you gonna do James!!

My boss Doug and Chris (head chef) cutting loose on the bike games at the Reading bowling alley - where we went after lunch.

Bored with the bikes, they move on to the dancing computer games! Still fairly innocent right?

K! Now things start getting interesting! lol.. Doug has stolen one of the girls scarfs, and has decided to wear it as a skirt for a few games. Nice look Dougie!

Chris wins the "Too Drunk" award! Feeling left out, he trades in his jeans for Little Angel Georgie's tights, and wears them for the rest of the day/evening! After we left the bowling alley, we went to a few pubs, and for some reason, he kept on being refused entry lol...



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