Friday, December 01, 2006

50th Birthday Party in Scotland!

Latha Math!!!! (Haaalllloooo dere!!!!) Last week I went to Scotland again - I just can't keep away from that country! The occasion this time, was my friend Jim's 50th birthday party! It was great! Jim being a Scottish lad, there was a bit of a Scottish theme...haha! Enjoy!

Me in my getup! It was a lot of fun getting dressed up in my Clan McGreggor Kilt gear!

Chris, a friend of Jim's from Kiwi Land, Nicola, who flew from Amsterdam for the bash, and me.

Care to wager whats under our kilts...? ;-)

The Birthday Boy and Nicola.

Jim's friend Helen. This lady is an inspiration to me! She's had a new hip put in, obviously isn't a young lady anymore, and yet, she still travels around the world like she's 21 years old! She's spent a couple of weeks on a group tour in Antartica living on the ice! She's also been on safari's through Africa! Originally from Scotland, she now calls Australia home.

Getting into a bit of traditional Scottish dancing! It brought back a lot of Haggis Adventure memories! (See previous blog entries).

Chris getting into the swing of things!

Golf the next day! I should have got a few more snaps, but I was having to much fun! haha.. Pretty cool that I got to play in the town where golf was first invented! This vew is of the Club House and the town of St Andrews in the background.

I made my way into the St Andrews Museum this time, came across this little piece of history. Its an axe which was used for be-heading people! The short handle made it easier for the executioner to lift and swing!

A picture (one of many) of St Andrews Castle, painted by 'Alison McKenzie' - wonder if she's any relation to you Pete?

Edinburgh (on the way back home); one of the eerie tiny passages that are found throughout the city.

Dia leat! : See ye later! : Goodbye!


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