Monday, October 23, 2006

AFL experience & Friends reunion!

G'day!! I'm feeling all inspired to keep my blog up to date, so here's another exciting adventure to tell you about! Saturday 21st Oct I got to go to my FIRST professional AFL Footy match - right here in LONDON!! And to top it off, it was favourite team Geelong, playing against Port Adelaide.

I went with my mate Gavin, who I met on my Haggis Adventure around Scotland, had a few beers during the day, and a few at night - no longer am I to be known as '3-pint'... Oh No.. Now I am to be known as '6.5-pint' haha.. Yes Gavin - I am claiming the '.5' lol..

Afterwards, I got to catch up with his girlfriend Jo (also met on Haggis), and then the next day, Sunday, I got to catch up with my friend Jackson from Queensland, who's in England on a working holiday at the moment.

Was a great weekend all round! So enjoy the pics!

See you's!

Gavin and I, he's in his 'Saints' top, and I borrowed a Geelong Beanie from his friend Michelle - cheers Michelle!!

All cheery that Geelong was kicking arse, and enjoying my '2nd' Pint of the day - good ol' Carlsberg.

This was cool - a fight broke out right in front of us! Lasted a few minutes - I should've bloody recorded it!

Haha!!! Streeeaaaakkkeeerrr!!!! (Click on Pic to enlarge!) Was stoked we had a few brave lads willing to take one for the team! There were 3 Streakers all in all!

Bit of an 'action' shot :-)

The 'money shot' :-) Took me the whole game to get a good shot of them jumping up for the ball!

The Final Score!

We are Geelong, the greatest team of all, We are Geelong, we're always on the ball, We play the game as it should be played, At home or far away, Our banners fly on high from dawn to dark, down at Kardinia Park!

So! Stand up and fight, remember our tradition so stand up and fight, it's always our ambition throughout the game we fight with all our might Because we are the mighty blue and white and from when the ball is bounced, to the final bell STAND UP AND FIGHT LIKE HELL!

Andy (Gav's mate), Me, Jo, and Gavin, having a few beers after the match at 'The Bee Hive' Pub up the road from the game - it was packed full of Aussies!

Gavin's friend Michelle who lives in London, and me. She's the awsome chick that lent me the beanie!

Jo and I at dinner later that night.

Us at dinner - took as a few pubs before we made it to this one that was still serving and was cheapish. Basically Italian, we all had pizza and garlic bread! I'd already had 6 pints by this stage, and only wanted water and coke. The guys had other plans and bought me another pint lol... Unfortunately I was feeling too bloated lol... So I made them drink half - which is why I'm claiming '6.5' pints to my record - though they won't give it to me!

Me and Jackson the next day. It was pissing down with rain and we were both tired and hungry lol... Every pub we went to was too expensive, so we finally came across a little piece of Australia - the Walkabout Pub! I'm digging into my chicken and bacon burger, and Jacksons got his 'Sydney Sider' Beef Burger!

Whoops - bit blury. Jax - you prob have better photos, send them to me so I can change this one!

And that people, is my weekend in London. Until next time....



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