Friday, March 23, 2007

Finally England shows its True Colours!

SNOW!!!!!!!!!! At last! I awoke to a BRILLIANT snow fall Jan 7th 2007! Sure, I've seen it before, but it still gets me excited lol... Went for a morning walk through town to take some snaps!

1st snaps of the morning! Outside my house :-) We were trapped in Henley, cause many of the train tracks and roads out were closed!

Trudging through the park, I stumbled across this shnazzy snowman! Got the artists to pose with him!

Some nice shots of the river I got. The bottom river pic has 2 seagulls standing about-face from each other on the 2 posts. It looked really cool.

This one was funny to come across :-)

My Little Pub!

Bis dann...


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