Friday, March 23, 2007

The Final Countdown....

Hey guys! Here are some snaps from my last days in Henley/England! Got together with a few work mates, played some pool, got drunk, danced, etc.. Cheers to those who made it along!

Also got a chance to see the Lion King theatre production in London with friends Nicola and Jim as a sort of belated birthday present! I thought it was great, didn't get to take photos of that tho unfortunately.

And so it begins...

Let the good times roll!

Me and Agnes, one of my best friends from Poland.

Sean 'da prawn..

The Hulk! (and my friend Don haha..)

Lass behind the bar decided to have a little dance with this dude who'd passed out! Funny as!

My friend Nicola and I were heading into town on the bus, when we noticed a familiar face... So, top pic is from the bus window, bottom pic is none other than.... RICHARD COYLE!! One of the people I've wanted to meet! We stalked him, and found him eating lunch in my pub! He was so nice and didn't mind photos. If you have no idea who he is, he plays the character 'Jeff' on the british comedy show 'Coupling'. You can see a snippet at this address:

This one was actually taken in Amsterdam, my last night before flying to Thailand for my holiday before heading home to Australia! Again, had a few drinks, you can probably tell from my sleepy eyes hehe... Next stop: Thailand!


Finally England shows its True Colours!

SNOW!!!!!!!!!! At last! I awoke to a BRILLIANT snow fall Jan 7th 2007! Sure, I've seen it before, but it still gets me excited lol... Went for a morning walk through town to take some snaps!

1st snaps of the morning! Outside my house :-) We were trapped in Henley, cause many of the train tracks and roads out were closed!

Trudging through the park, I stumbled across this shnazzy snowman! Got the artists to pose with him!

Some nice shots of the river I got. The bottom river pic has 2 seagulls standing about-face from each other on the 2 posts. It looked really cool.

This one was funny to come across :-)

My Little Pub!

Bis dann...

Little Angels belated Xmas Party

Hi ppls! Its been a while since I updated my blog - appoligies! Anyways, here's some little pics taken from our drunken escapades during my work staff party!


We ate lunch at a nice place in Reading, after a few drinks, this is what we all started looking like! haha... Thanks for being a good sport Chris!

James: "Heath, if you put this photo on the net, I'm going to rip your b@llz off and shuv them so far down your throat, etc etc.."

hehe.. what are you gonna do James!!

My boss Doug and Chris (head chef) cutting loose on the bike games at the Reading bowling alley - where we went after lunch.

Bored with the bikes, they move on to the dancing computer games! Still fairly innocent right?

K! Now things start getting interesting! lol.. Doug has stolen one of the girls scarfs, and has decided to wear it as a skirt for a few games. Nice look Dougie!

Chris wins the "Too Drunk" award! Feeling left out, he trades in his jeans for Little Angel Georgie's tights, and wears them for the rest of the day/evening! After we left the bowling alley, we went to a few pubs, and for some reason, he kept on being refused entry lol...


Wednesday, January 03, 2007

My 26th Birthday Road Trip!

Hello!!!! Well, it's happened -December 29th has come again, and I'm now officially another year older! And what a great way to spend it - road tripping with mates in medieval north east England!

Me, Gav, Jo and Andy hired a car and drove from London and visited York (which I think was the most beautiful - and had the hottest chicks), Durham, Newcastle (where we stayed and partied for my birthday), and Leeds.

Had a FANTASTIC time! These guys made my birthday shine - through the hoard of rain we were blessed with! haha..

I should warn you - this blog entry is a bit of a history lesson again! Happy reading!

Enjoy! xx


The sturdy Ford! haha... our beast on wheels! Very comfy - the front seats were heated lol..

Welcome to York!

Standing at one of the entrances to the great 'Walled' City.

(Clicking to enlarge this helps). Something I've noticed - a lot of places you see over here, historic buildings etc, can be found RIGHT next to shopping centres and McDonalds haha... This is a medieval church and opposite is H&M - Europe's Just Jeans etc..

Clifford's Tower. This was the 'keep' for Castle of York. In 1190, approximately 150 Jews sought protection here from a mob incited by Richard I. They chose to end their lives here by each others hands, rather than to renounce their faith. The Castle and keep were built with the intention of protecting its Jewish community.

Couple of nice snaps of the church. The architecture is mind boggling!

How could a trip to York be complete without sampling their finest Yorkshire Puddings?! (Which btw, were bloody tasty!)

Another nice little snap of an entrance through the wall. (Had to stand in front of traffic for this one! haha..)


First impressions of the castle and river.

Shots of the Cathedral. We went inside too, but we weren't allowed to take photos.

We tried going inside the Castle, but it was all locked up! It's used as a university now for students, and was closed for xmas break. Like my 'Rat's View' snap? It's all we saw up close from under the door lol...

Snaps from on top of the Cathedral Tower; The Castle/University, The Cathedral roof, and the distant town houses (best viewed by enlarging - it looks cool!)

Couldn't resist..... ;-)


Mine and Andy's room at the Beewick hotel. I'd just randomly chosen the 1st bed I saw as we walked in, which left Andy obviously with the only other bed - which happened to be directly opposite the clear-view glass shower! lol.... He decided to shower in shared hall facilities for some reason haha...

Part of the castle building now built on to and part of what looked like a group of flats.

The Castle Keep, built in 1168. The original castle was on this site too, 1st founded in 1080 before fires destroyed it. It had been built by William the Conqueror's eldest son Robert Curthose, and is how the city of Newcastle got its name.

View from the Keep roof; the mimic of Sydney Harbour Bridge (Right) and the Millenium Bridge (left).

Got a nice lady to take this!

Shots from inside the Keep; trapped in the holding cell..

Quiet 'reflection' time on a medieval toilet!

Living the high life!

Driving out of Newcastle into Gateshead, you can see this statue, one of the 12 icons of England, the 'Angel of the North'. Its wings are 54metres wide. Its significance is merely a 'welcome' sign to the county of Tyneside.


A preserved part of the wall - we didn't find this - I had to pinch the photo from another site!

Standing on remains of the Roman built wall, at an old Fort in Chester. The wall was built by the orders of Emperor Hadrian in the attempts to keep the Picts (old Scottish people) from entering onto English soil. Its construction began in AD122 and was finally abandoned in AD400 after 3 attacks from the Picts. Its remaining segments stretch for 80 Roman Miles (117km), and was 3metres thick, and 5metres high.

Remanents of the barracks.

Taking time out in the Roman Hot Bath!


It started with a drink.....or 2 or 3...... We went to T.G.I.F for dinner, a chain restaurant here (Thank God It's Friday). As you can see, we're already half cut and the night has just began!

The guys kept hassling our waitress to get me a birthday candle lol... so she did! They made me a little choc fudge birthday cake with a candle - it was VERY tasty! :-) Thanks guys!

Make a wish!

Sooooo drunk!

Steady on Tiger...!

This'll make me feel better! Now, on to the clubs!


Visiting the Leeds Football Stadium (took us the good part of an hour to find it - non-existant signs!)

After stopping for lunch, we 'high-tailed' out of Leeds - its really just an old industrial city - nuf said!

Ciao! xx