Friday, March 23, 2007

The Final Countdown....

Hey guys! Here are some snaps from my last days in Henley/England! Got together with a few work mates, played some pool, got drunk, danced, etc.. Cheers to those who made it along!

Also got a chance to see the Lion King theatre production in London with friends Nicola and Jim as a sort of belated birthday present! I thought it was great, didn't get to take photos of that tho unfortunately.

And so it begins...

Let the good times roll!

Me and Agnes, one of my best friends from Poland.

Sean 'da prawn..

The Hulk! (and my friend Don haha..)

Lass behind the bar decided to have a little dance with this dude who'd passed out! Funny as!

My friend Nicola and I were heading into town on the bus, when we noticed a familiar face... So, top pic is from the bus window, bottom pic is none other than.... RICHARD COYLE!! One of the people I've wanted to meet! We stalked him, and found him eating lunch in my pub! He was so nice and didn't mind photos. If you have no idea who he is, he plays the character 'Jeff' on the british comedy show 'Coupling'. You can see a snippet at this address:

This one was actually taken in Amsterdam, my last night before flying to Thailand for my holiday before heading home to Australia! Again, had a few drinks, you can probably tell from my sleepy eyes hehe... Next stop: Thailand!



Blogger kissyfit said...

What a lucky guy you were to meet Richard Coyle! Color me ten shades of jealous! Anything else you can tell a fan about that sighting??? *Please with sugar on it?*

2/4/07 2:40 AM


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