Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Polish Party and Regatta

Hiya! It was Karolina's birthday last Tuesday, so the Monday night we all had vodka shots under the bridge on the Thames in Henley! Was a fun night - and I didn't throw up! yay!

Drink up Birthday Girl!! - Na zdrowie!!

Hmmm... Should we throw her in???

Magda, her mum, Alek, Me, Isa, and Karolina

I'm pretty lucky that they speak a bit of English or I'd be buggered! Magda's mum on the right can't speak any, and she was drunk and kept speaking in Polish to me and laughing! lol....

Here's a few snaps I caught of the Regatta, unfortunately I didn't have my camera with me much cause I was working all the time!

Exciting shots hey! hehe....I know I'll do better next time!
Do widzenia!


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