Monday, July 24, 2006

Lovebox Weekender!

Hi everyone!! Yesterday I went for one day of the Lovebox Weekender Concert held in Victoria Park in London. It was really good, and I got to see JAMIROQUAI!!!!!! I was the happiest little Aussie there!

Also, a band I'd heard before on the radio without knowing their name, 'The Feeling', played, and now I'm right into them! So here's a couple of photos from the day - sorry, they were taken with my mobile phone camera and are a little small and crappy!

Laura, my stunning companion for the day, and myself all excited walking through the front gates! She's a tassy girl too :-)

These guys were SOO funny!! They were dressed up looking like Elvis, dancing to R&B outside a tent with 70's style moves!! The lady on the right was a bit old I think, and took the oportunity to join in on the fun lol... Of course, we all clapped at the end :-)

This is hard to make out, but it was one performance of an 'Insect Circus' act! Actors dressed up and did tricks with other actors dressed as enlarged insects! This one is of a guy dressed like a bull fighter, about to be crunched by a dung beetle! haha.... I think these performances were probably directed at young kids, but we still had a good giggle :-)

A little snap of the Ferris Wheel Laura and I went on giving a good view of the park (can you believe it was her first time ever on one! She was very brave *S*) You can aso see the bad rain clouds coming over! Luckily it held off the whole day :-)

Oh my god! The lights are flashing....Everyones going crazy.....

Could it be....... could it be........ could it....?

YES!! JAMIROQUAI!! Again, a terrible photo, but it really is them!! Waited 8 hours for these guys! Jay was so energetic, doing spins and jumping all round the stage, dressed in a cool blue poncho with his funky pointed hat! I had the BEST TIME! I'd see these guys over and over again!

Me and Cassie (taken the next day in a post office). She's also a tassy girl, and has just finished a 30something day tour around Europe with Contiki! It was great to catch up :-)

And that's the end of my weekend in London! On the train heading back to Henley, I got lost in my TNT magazine (a mag for Aussies, Kiwi's, and South Africans) and forgot to get off at my stop, and had to catch the bus back home haha... Whoops :-) What a brilliant weekend!

Until next time,

Heathy xx


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