Tuesday, August 29, 2006

London Aquarium And Other Adventures!

Hiya!! It took me ages to get these photos off my camera phone (thanks alli and pete for sending the cd to do it!) ANYWAY!!! A few weeks ago I went on a little adventure into London again for the weekend, caught up with Laura, went to the Aqurium, found an 'Aussie Shop' (that was exciting!) And, as some of you know, got my ear pierced in my Tragus (the inside part in the middle of you ear). So enjoy!!

This is what we called the 'On-a-mission' Fish haha.. Unfortunately i missed the nose in this photo, but you can pretty much see his expression! They were so funny, swimming back and forth a hundred miles an hour :-)

My most feared fish in the oceans....... The Shark! A lot of you know that I'm a big chicken when it comes to these guys (and rightly so!), lately though I've been getting worse - if you know Nicola, you'll know how bad she is with spiders - can't even look at one. Well, I've been discovering a 'shiver down my spine' each time I see one on Tv or in person like this now! Bugger!

Woah Dude! Like, totally radical man! C'mon, lets ride the E.A.C! Hehe... I guess turtles have urges too.. ;-)

Oooooohh..... Preeeeeeetttyyy :-)

Randomly found this on the bridge outside the Aquarium - guessing it's been photo'd as much as Big Ben!

Heard a rumor this place was hiding in Covent Garden somewhere - and we found it!!!

Hehe.... Stocking up on the "bare essentials" of Australian cuisine ;-) You may be thinking 'where's the vegemite'? Well, that lovely stuff can be bought in any ol' supermarket here! (Not that you'll catch anyone but an Aussie with it in their shopping basket!)

As you can see - we couldn't wait long before digging in!

Here's my piercing in the Tragus. Like I said, the intial piercing is quick and hurts a bit, but the REAL PAIN, is the 4-5 days to follow! It effects your jaw and it's quite painful to eat! Smiling hurts, and sleeping on it is a big NO NO! But now, it's awsome!

Recognise this? I'm standing in the bookshop where Hugh Grant and Julia Roberts once stood in that Romantic Comedy 'Notting Hill' :-)

Ciao Ciao!


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